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Quais os nomes galegos da 'Tecia solanivora' e da 'Vespa velutina'?

Quais os nomes galegos da 'Tecia solanivora' e da 'Vespa velutina'?


Como se devem designar em bom galego as espécies de insetos Tecia solanivora e Vespa velutina, que recentemente fôrom introduzidas na Galiza e constituem pragas?


Ana Rodrigues



Para se designar o lepidóptero ou borboleta da espécie Tecia solanivora (família Gelequiídeos), cuja larva ataca os tubérculos da pataqueira, a melhor denominaçom vernácula em galego-português da Galiza é traça-guatemalteca(-da-pataca). Com efeito, este inseto, que pertence ao grupo das borboletas-noturnas e, portanto, é umha avelaínha, e que provém da América Central, deve ser denominado em galego traça porquanto, ao alimentar-se (no estádio larvar, de lagarta), destrói ou degrada materiais (fibras, tecidos, alimentos) apreciados polo ser humano (cf. cast. polilla guatemalteca, fr. teigne guatémaltèque de la pomme de terre; a traça por antonomásia entre nós é a traça-da(s)-roupa(s), Tineola bisselliella). Tenha-se em conta que, no sentido apontado, no galego contemporáneo, entre outros, se registam os geossinónimos couça e traça e, dentre esses sinónimos geográficos, a voz galega comum às variedades lusitana e brasileira (c. 250 milhons de falantes) —a qual interessa, portanto, declarar supradialetal na Galiza— é traça.


Já em relaçom ao himenóptero Vespa velutina (família Vespídeos), originário da Ásia sul-oriental e que ataca as abelhas, a melhor denominaçom vernácula em galego-português é vespom-de-patas-amarelas, ainda que também seja aceitável vespom-asiático (Vespa velutina nom é o único vespom originário da Ásia, mas si o mais disseminado entre os de distribuiçom exclusivamente asiática e o mais conhecido entre nós com essa proveniência). Para esta espécie de inseto —que, por pertencer à família Vespídeos, é umha vespa em sentido laxo—, a melhor denominaçom galego-portuguesa é vespom, porque assim som denominadas na nossa língua (cf. cast. avispón, al. Hornisse, ingl. hornet) as vespas do género Vespa, as quais som vespídeos de grande tamanho, como Vespa crabro, o vespom-europeu, que é autóctone da Galiza (e que nom se deve confundir com o abelhom [género Bombus, família Apídeos]). Tenha-se em conta, por último, que as vespas em sentido estrito (vespídeos de pequeno tamanho e com manchas e faixas amarelas e pretas) som espécies do género Vespula, de modo que, se, neste caso, a nossa nomenclatura vernácula marca o tamanho grande com um sufixo aumentativo (o -om de vespom), a nomenclatura científica marca o tamanho pequeno com um sufixo diminutivo (o -ula de Vespula).

Última modificação emSegunda, 05 Fevereiro 2018 12:32
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  • NormanEleds
    NormanEleds Terça, 02 Julho 2024 13:54 Link do comentário

    toto 4d

  • Donaldsmuri
    Donaldsmuri Terça, 02 Julho 2024 08:50 Link do comentário

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    Donaldsmuri Terça, 02 Julho 2024 06:32 Link do comentário

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    Donaldsmuri Terça, 02 Julho 2024 06:28 Link do comentário

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    Donaldsmuri Terça, 02 Julho 2024 06:25 Link do comentário

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    Donaldsmuri Terça, 02 Julho 2024 06:23 Link do comentário

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  • Jameslib
    Jameslib Terça, 02 Julho 2024 05:26 Link do comentário

    Ways Might A Business Process Outsourcing Organization Achieve At Minimum One Transaction From Ten Meetings?

    BPO companies can boost their sales conversion rates by prioritizing a few important tactics:

    Comprehending Customer Demands
    Prior to meetings, conducting detailed research on prospective clients’ businesses, issues, and unique requirements is crucial. This planning permits outsourcing firms to adapt their services, making them more attractive and relevant to the customer.

    Clear Value Proposition
    Offering a clear, convincing value proposition is crucial. Outsourcing organizations should highlight how their solutions yield cost reductions, enhanced efficiency, and specialized expertise. Clearly showcasing these advantages enables clients comprehend the tangible advantage they would gain.

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    Innovative Lead Generation Approach
    Creative methods like content marketing can position BPO organizations as industry leaders, drawing in prospective clients. Networking at industry events and using social networks like LinkedIn can increase impact and create valuable contacts.

    Pros of Outsourcing IT Support
    Delegating IT support to a outsourcing company might reduce expenses and provide availability of a skilled labor force. This enables businesses to prioritize core activities while guaranteeing high-quality service for their clients.

    Best Approaches for Application Creation
    Implementing agile methodologies in software development ensures quicker delivery and progressive improvement. Multidisciplinary units boost cooperation, and constant feedback assists identify and fix issues early.

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    The personal branding of staff improve a BPO organization’s credibility. Famous market experts within the company attract customer confidence and increase a positive standing, assisting in both client acquisition and keeping talent.

    International Influence
    These strategies help BPO organizations by promoting effectiveness, improving customer relations, and fostering Methods Could A Business Process Outsourcing Firm Make At Minimum One Transaction From Ten Meetings?

    BPO organizations could enhance their deal conversion rates by focusing on a number of important strategies:

    Comprehending Customer Demands
    Prior to appointments, conducting comprehensive research on prospective customers’ companies, pain points, and particular demands is crucial. This planning allows outsourcing companies to customize their offerings, making them more enticing and applicable to the customer.

    Transparent Value Offer
    Offering a clear, convincing value statement is vital. BPO firms should highlight the ways in which their offerings yield cost savings, enhanced effectiveness, and specialized expertise. Clearly showcasing these benefits assists customers understand the tangible value they would receive.

    Building Confidence
    Confidence is a cornerstone of fruitful deals. Outsourcing companies can establish reliability by displaying their track record with case examples, testimonials, and market credentials. Verified success stories and reviews from satisfied customers could significantly strengthen trustworthiness.

    Efficient Post-Meeting Communication
    Consistent follow through after meetings is crucial to keeping engagement. Tailored follow through emails that reiterate important discussion points and answer any concerns assist maintain client interest. Utilizing CRM systems makes sure that no lead is forgotten.

    Unconventional Lead Generation Approach
    Innovative tactics like content marketing can position outsourcing firms as industry leaders, drawing in prospective clients. Networking at market events and utilizing social networks like LinkedIn can expand reach and establish important connections.

    Pros of Delegating Tech Support
    Outsourcing IT support to a outsourcing firm might lower expenses and give availability of a skilled workforce. This enables businesses to concentrate on primary tasks while ensuring top-notch support for their clients.

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    Embracing agile methods in application development ensures faster delivery and iterative progress. Interdisciplinary teams boost cooperation, and ongoing feedback helps identify and resolve issues at an early stage.

    Relevance of Individual Employee Brands
    The personal brands of workers boost a outsourcing organization’s reputation. Famous industry experts within the firm pull in customer confidence and add to a good image, assisting in both new client engagement and keeping talent.

    Worldwide Impact
    These strategies help outsourcing firms by driving productivity, boosting client interactions, and fostering

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